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6 Ways to Get Seller Leads & Land More Listings This Summer

As the calendar flips its way towards the summer season, you know it’s not just temperatures that are heating up — it’s the real estate market, too. Buyers come out of the woodwork in search of their next home. With increased demand, this time of year puts sellers in the perfect position to list their home and sell quickly and effectively. For listing agents, getting more seller leads and landing more listings to sell is a must ahead of the busy season.

6 Ways to Grow Your Seller Leads and Land More Listings

Summer is heating up, and you need to be prepared as a listing agent. This means having a strong supply of seller leads, a pitch-perfect listing presentation, and key tools to help you land and secure more listings. Use these six strategies to help make summer a success for you and your sellers.


#1. Take a Look Around the Neighborhood

Before you dive headfirst into seeking out seller leads, get an honest lay of the land — literally. Examine your local market and zoom into the neighborhoods and areas you work. How many listings are there? What are homes being priced at, and how much are they actually selling for? What is the average DOM for listings? Do you see other key trends that stand out to you as a listing agent?


The goal here is to understand what listings are looking like in the market you’re working in, as well as to get your finger on the pulse of buyer demand. This will help you define a path forward for how you’ll work your listings, marketing efforts to undertake, and how to best structure your listing presentation.


While you’re looking around… do you see any FSBO properties, or listings about to expire? These are prime opportunities to connect with potential sellers. FSBO sellers may not realize their attempt to cut out the important middleman can actually make selling their home harder (and more expensive) in the long run. Expired listings may have homeowners frustrated with how their previous agent handled their attempted sale, leaving you with a solid lead-in to identify solutions. Educate them about your expertise and real estate business, and win them over — and their listing.


#2. Run a Direct Mail Campaign

Once you get a clear view of the areas where you’re planning to work with sellers and get more listings, it’s a good time to start planning a direct mail campaign. Get mailers designed, or go the DIY route with a design tool online. Then, order printed mailers or postcards and start sending these out to the neighborhoods. The sooner you can get in mailboxes, the better.


Highlight who you are, what brokerage or team you’re a part of, how you can be reached, and showcase you’re ready to help homeowners list and sell in the market. This is a great way to get exposure for your brand, increase visibility into you as an agent, and start capturing the attention of potential seller leads in the market.


#3. Launch a Digital Marketing Campaign, Too

To get more seller clients, you need to get more of them to see your business, learn about what you do, and be primed and ready to work with you. Digital marketing campaigns are crucial for this.


Create digital ad campaigns with visuals highlighting your wins as a listing agent, calling out summer selling season and increased buyer demand, and make it clear you’re here to serve sellers. Then, set up a dedicated lead submission page designed specifically for sellers to contact you. Run these ads across social media, target consumers in your ZIP codes with a paid ad campaign, and send out an email to your existing seller lead and referral database.


#4. Take Your Listing Presentations to the Next Level

Once you start connecting with seller leads, you’ll need to win them over. As any good listing agent knows, the best way to hook in sellers and take them from leads to clients is through the listing presentation. While you may have your listing presentation down pat, there’s always room to improve and make it even better — especially in the name of winning more listings.


This is where CORE Present from kvCORE comes in to help you uplevel your approach to your listing presentations. Not only will CORE Present unlock your ability to design visually stunning, engaging listing presentations, it’s also a next-generation CMA. But what does that actually mean, and how can it help you as a listing agent?


CORE Present is a single tool that allows you to create an engaging CMA in under a minute. It’s packed with data, combining over 20 pricing perspectives in a single view. Top it off with a branded and customized presentation filled with content tailored to your potential sellers, and you’ll land their listing in no time.


#5. Use CORE Listing Machine & Design Center

Having a centralized tool truly makes life easier. Rather than toggling between multiple systems, software, or doing things manually, you can get countless hours back to focus on connecting with sellers by using CORE Listing Machine & Design Center. The tool connects directly with your MLS and pulls in property details to automatically create a complete marketing campaign you can run across all stages of the listing.


You can effectively take the guesswork out of what marketing platforms to use or campaigns to run to promote your listings. Even more exciting? Drop this top marketing tech into your listing presentation and wow sellers with ease. CORE Listing Machine & Design Center even has a built-in design center, full of modern, pro-level print and digital marketing designs you can easily edit, adjust, and use. It also has listing kits you can customize, including templates based on property type for the listing you’re promoting.


Oh, and remember the tip we shared about running a direct mail campaign earlier? The Design Center is also the perfect place to create pro-level designs and get them printed quickly.


#6. Pump Up Your Listings with CORE PropertyBoost

To impress potential sellers when you walk through the listing presentation, get your listings sold, and win more listings, you need to have strong marketing efforts. With kvCORE’s CORE PropertyBoost, promoting your listings gets even easier. The tool provides a simple way to market your new listings on Facebook. It automatically generates a targeted Facebook ad campaign for each boosted listing, so you can get maximum exposure for it. This generates demand in that first critical week when the listing hits the market, and ultimately sells listings faster.


kvCORE will automatically generate traffic reports to see who’s interacting with your listing, which gets emailed to you and your seller client. This automated email helps streamline communication, frees up your time, and lets your seller client rest assured their home is in the best hands — and being seen by buyers.

Are You Ready to Give Your Seller Business a Boost this Summer?

Don’t miss out on the peak season. Get prepared for success by using smarter tools with kvCORE today.

To get a demo of how these tools can help you get seller leads and land more listings, click here.