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Brokers, You Can't Afford to Juggle Dozens of Tech Tools

Brokers running full-scale teams and office operations know they need to invest in smart technology tools to help keep things running smoothly and seamlessly, and to support front office and back office needs. But when you start to amass a little too many tech tools, you can actually start working against your brokerage. Different tools may not connect with one another, hindering your ability to track key insights and making it difficult for your agents and staff alike to know where to go for what. And those subscription or investment costs add up fast, making it harder to prove ROI, balance your books, and know where your brokerage’s dollars are going.


We’re not saying to break down your tech stack entirely, but it is important to strive for centralization. In this market, you can’t afford the inconvenience, lost time, and sunk costs of disparate tech. A seamless and complete ecosystem is how you can get yourself — and your brokerage — of the grind and begin to scale your operations effectively. This isn’t meant to sound scary, it’s just meant to reorient you so you can ensure your brokerage is operating like the well-oiled machine it was built to be. 


Thankfully, solving tech problems (unlike many other business issues) is well within reach. You can steer the ship in the right direction, even if it seems a bit intimidating at first. You simply need to find the right tech partner to team up with to make centralizing your tech  a smooth, streamlined, and well-supported process — both in the short and long run.

The Importance of a Unifying Tech Tool

Because your brokerage is made up of a front office and back office, each with unique, equally important tasks, you need to ensure your tech is unified. This helps prevent confusion, poor data management, and can keep things running smoothly and effectively across the board.


The Front Office

For the front office, a strong, well-maintained, and easy to use CRM is a must. Think about it: your CRM is really the heart of your brokerage since it houses all key customer information, data, and the priceless interactions between agents and leads or clients that drive back to the bottom line. It’s not just a contact hub, either. Your CRM is what powers your outreach via phone, email, and text message, and what helps you shape your marketing campaigns. Having a CRM that isn’t clunky, is built for the modern brokerage (and agent), and has useful, easily understood features is key to a successful front office. It’s how brokers can centralize what every employee in the brokerage is doing, increase agent adoption of the CRM, eliminate cumbersome roadblocks, and streamline key business functions.


Is it possible to get a CRM that has a variety of agent-specific, business-running tools built in? What about other add-ons, apps, or APIs? Look no further than the kvCORE platform. kvCORE is home to an AI-powered smart assistant CRM, surfacing the hottest opportunities and automating day-to-day tasks so your agents can focus on what they do best. It keeps the front office running smoothly since it’s not just a CRM: it also offers a powerful lead engine, customizable IDK websites, transaction management integration, and powerful, deep business insights you need to make smarter decisions — quicker.


The Back Office

When it comes to your back office, you can’t skip out on efficient, effective smart tools. Otherwise, you risk letting critical business operations run themselves into the ground. Transaction management, paperwork, and data entry are all detail-oriented, time-consuming tasks as it is. But throw clunky systems that don’t talk to each other into the mix? You’re jeopardizing the success of your brokerage by opening the door to human error and losing time focusing on important operations.


A tool like Brokermint makes running the back office simple and straightforward. As another intelligent platform, Brokermint was built to help brokers centralize all transaction-related tasks to help save time and money. You can automate tasks like data entry and get all key features your brokerage needs to succeed into one single tool. It has automated record-keeping, tracking of the broker review process, and ensures transaction records are automatically documented, saved, and easily located and exported. Reach the powerful blend of compliance and peace of mind knowing every transaction is captured correctly and your back office is running at full-speed.

What Good Does Centralizing Your Tech Do, Anyways?

At the end of the day, it’s clear that investing in centralizing your tech saves time and money. But its benefits don’t end there. It helps your agents work more efficiently, freeing up time so they can do more of what they love. It empowers you as a broker with key insights to ensure everything is running smoothly, without chasing countless reports or remembering numerous logins. Your brokerage and team can feel empowered and supported by tech that’s easy to use, and that works for them. This all adds up to your brokerage offering its clients a best-in-class experience, more quickly and efficiently than ever.


To learn about the power of the kvCORE platform, click here
If you’d like to see how Brokermint can power your back office, schedule a demo today.