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Introducing BoldTrail Recruit!

Meet BoldTrail Recruit: Your brokerage’s all-in-one solution to recruitment, retention, and growth coaching. Increase productivity, identify growth opportunities, & recruit smarter.

Key Benefits of BoldTrail Recruit:

  • Business Plan Structure & Organization: A detailed dashboard with meaningful market stats and metrics keeps you informed and in-the-loop with a birds-eye view of your entire organization in one cohesive view so you can make better business decisions quickly and efficiently. 
  • Track & Measure Impact in Real Time: Transparency into your agents’ key performance indicators such as active and pending listings and transaction volume. Leverage that data to identify performance gaps and coaching opportunities, driving more productivity and better retention.  
  • Communications Automation: Create and automate personalized recruiting campaigns through the BoldTrail platform integration to stay connected and top-of-mind with potential recruits.

Learn More About BoldTrail Recruit