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Ready to Grow Your Real Estate Business? Use These 5 Strategies

The past couple of years of real estate have been on the tougher side, to say the least. But things are turning around — even if it doesn’t feel like it just yet. You may have already battened down the proverbial hatches of your real estate business, but it’s also important you have a game plan for the future ahead.

To stay on track, no matter what’s happening in our around the industry, here are 5 strategies you can start using to help you grow your business.

Get the 5 Strategies You Need to Help Your Real Estate Business Grow

Use the five strategies below to get yourself into gear and well-positioned to weather any twists, turns, or changes in real estate and help ensure your business will continue to grow.

#1. Don’t Get Too Caught Up in Strict Goals

We know, we know: goal-setting is crucial to accomplishing anything in business. But oftentimes, getting too caught up in the minutiae of strictly adhering to the outlined, written path to your goal can actually hinder your progress. We’re not saying to throw your goals to the wind; instead, you need to focus on things you can do every single day. Consistency is key. Think about it like this: someone with well-crafted, perfect goals who doesn’t take persistent and consistent action won’t beat out the person with vague goals but daily consistency.


Ideally, you do want to achieve a blend of both setting goals and being consistent each day. For this strategy, it’s important to take the pressure off. As Winston Churchill once said, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” By getting caught up in chasing perfection, it’s easy to lose the motivation you need to fuel daily consistency. And we get it: it’s easy to zero in on the smaller details. Content creation, marketing strategies, your written communications — all of it adds up. But when it comes to your sphere of influence, sometimes what matters most is simply showing up.


Work backwards from your goals and break down the steps you can take into even smaller, bite-sized pieces of actions you can do every single day.


#2. Maximize Your Morning Routine

It can be tough in challenging times, our times where you’re striving for your goals, to find — and strengthen — motivation. For your second strategy, you need to make the most of your morning routine. This doesn’t mean you need to wake up at 5 AM, meditate, make a green juice, and hit the cold plunge (though kudos if you do). Instead, you want to eliminate the most common distractions from your morning routine. Set a Do Not Disturb schedule on your smartphone, or block out a set amount of time on your calendar dedicated to responding to emails or texts.


By shifting your focus to tackling the biggest time-sucks you encounter, you can set yourself up for success the remainder of  your day. When your feet hit the floor in the morning, set a mini goal to find an early win, no matter what your morning routine looks like. Accomplishing something hard in the morning keeps the momentum going.


#3. Understand the 80/20 Rule

You may have heard of the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle. In sum, this principle states that 80% of the results you achieve result from the 20% of things you do. As an agent, you need to maximize that 20% as much as possible. You wear a ton of hats, and it’s not uncommon for you to juggle competing priorities day in, and day out. With time being money in real estate, you know more than most people that distractions will absolutely sink your day. Things like endless notifications, people expecting instant response, direct messages on your social media platforms, and emails — just to name a few. It’s never been harder to avoid these distractions, and it’s never been easier to justify these distractions as necessary.


While the nature of being an agent means you’re always “on”, your business’s growth and success is dependent on you cutting through the noise effectively. Avoid these trivial distractions as much as possible, find ways to set boundaries, and use those boundaries to help reduce or eliminate these distractions from your daily life.


#4. Operate from a Place of Curiosity and Care

When you’re working with prospects and clients, it’s crucial you give them an excellent customer experience. It’s not just about following a normal protocol. If you want your business to grow, and grow meaningfully, it’s crucial you are relentlessly curious and ask the hard questions. Don’t just stick to the easy ones — you need to commit to curiosity. When messaging, speaking, or meeting with your clientele, demonstrate your care and commitment. This is what sets them at ease.


Make sure they understand what you’re saying, and even more importantly, make sure you understand what they’re saying. Real estate professionals have a duty to represent the best interest of their clients, even if it conflicts with goals or the hustle of the industry. Ask the tough questions, detach from the outcome, and fully focus and commit yourself to the true needs of the client in front of you. No matter how shaky the conversation may be, detaching from the outcome keeps you balanced and confident. This will leave a lasting impression on your clients and increase trust extremely effectively.


#5. Get Crystal Clear on What Sets You Apart

Differentiating yourself in real estate is undoubtedly more important than ever. If you want your business to grow, you need to get clear and precise on what exactly sets you apart. Don’t let time pass without you having a clear grasp on how and why you’re different. After all, differentiation is hard; in order to be different, you need to have something nobody else has.


To find this, take time to sit and reflect on what sets you apart. You get to define and create your own unique selling proposition, and showcase what makes you YOU. In turn, your confidence will boost. You know what you have to offer, and you also know why you’re ahead of other agents they could easily Google search or opt to work with. But knowing what sets you apart in a sea of agents is where your differentiator can shine, and where your business can thrive and grow.

To Take a Deeper Look at these 5 Strategies and How They Can Help You Navigate Recent Industry Shifts, Don’t Miss This Session from Unite 2024!