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The Relatable Effect: Building Genuine Connections in Real Estate

Rachel DeAlto, renowned relationship expert and speaker, captivated the audience at Inman Connect Las Vegas with her insightful session titled "The Relatable Effect." Drawing from her experience on the reality TV show "Married At First Sight," DeAlto emphasized the profound impact of relatability and connection in the real estate business. Her message was clear: success in real estate is not just about transactions but about building authentic, human relationships. Here’s an expanded look at her key points and how real estate agents can apply them to their practice.


The Craving for Connection

"We crave connection. We will forsake comfort and defy biology for it."

DeAlto began by highlighting our intrinsic need for connection. In the real estate industry, where human interaction is paramount, fostering genuine relationships can make all the difference. This craving for connection underscores the importance of relatability in building a successful business.


  • How can we create more meaningful connections with our clients?

  • What steps can we take to prioritize relationships over transactions?

The Human Experience in Business

"We are in the business of building the most human experience with our business."

DeAlto urged real estate professionals to focus on creating human experiences. This involves seeing clients as individuals with unique needs and aspirations rather than just potential deals. Building connections and relationships should be the primary goal.


  • What practices can we implement to ensure our interactions with clients are more human and less transactional?

  • How can we make our clients feel more valued and understood?

Relatability: A Learned Skill

"Relatability = The ability to easily connect to communicate with and inspire others and ourselves."

DeAlto reassured the audience that relatability is a skill that can be developed. Embracing discomfort and being authentic are key components of becoming more relatable.


  • How can we develop and improve our relatability skills?

  • In what ways can we embrace discomfort to foster better connections?

The Three Principles of Relatability

1. Connect - Start with Authenticity

Authenticity is the foundation of genuine connections. DeAlto emphasized the importance of finding real points of connection with clients and being oneself in the process.


Strategies for Connection:


Find Shared Priorities: Identify common interests and values with your clients. This can be as simple as shared hobbies, family values, or career aspirations.

Be Yourself: Share personal stories and experiences that can help clients relate to you on a human level.


  • How can we share bits of ourselves to learn more about our clients and build a connection?

  • What are some shared priorities we can identify with our clients?

2. Communicate - How to Do It Better

Effective communication is energetic, present, and adaptable. DeAlto stressed the importance of being fully present with clients and making them feel valued.


Strategies for Better Communication:

Be Present: Give your full attention to clients during interactions. Avoid distractions such as phones or other interruptions.

Show Importance: Make clients feel like they are the most important person in the room. This builds trust and deepens the connection.

Lead with Purpose: Be clear about your intentions and be willing to adapt based on the client's needs and the situation.


  • How can we improve our presence and focus during client interactions?

  • What techniques can we use to ensure clients feel valued and important?

3. Inspire - By Osmosis

Inspiring and relatable people resonate with others and light them up. They know what drives them and share that passion with the world.


Strategies for Inspiration:


Own Who You Are: Embrace your true self and be confident in your uniqueness.

Seek Out What Lights You Up: Identify your passions and let them shine through in your interactions.

Share Your Passion: Let your enthusiasm be contagious. Inspire others by living out what excites you.


  • What passions can we share with our clients to inspire them?

  • How can we own and embrace our unique qualities to build stronger connections?

The True Secret: Living Out What Lights You Up

DeAlto’s ultimate message was about living authentically and passionately. When you are genuinely excited about what you do, it naturally inspires and resonates with others. This authenticity is the secret to building lasting, meaningful relationships in real estate.


  • What aspects of work and life genuinely excite you?

  • How can you incorporate more of what lights you up into your daily interactions with clients?

Building the Future of Real Estate with Relatability

Rachel DeAlto’s presentation at Inman Connect Las Vegas highlighted the essential role of relatability in the real estate industry. By focusing on authentic connections, effective communication, and genuine inspiration, agents can create a more human and successful business. As DeAlto aptly put it, relatability is a learned skill, and by embracing it, agents can build deeper relationships and ultimately thrive in their careers.


  • How will you start building more authentic connections with your clients today?

  • What steps will you take to improve your communication and inspire those around you?

By implementing these principles, DeAlto believes that real estate agents can enhance their relatability, build stronger connections, and create a more fulfilling and successful business. In a world where connection is craved, those who master the art of relatability will lead the way.

Author: Stacey Soleil - SVP Community & Engagement |