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Real Talk with Joe Skousen, featuring James Dwiggins

Inside Real Estate CEO, Joe Skousen, sits down with Co-Founder and CEO of NextHome, James Dwiggins to talk tech-empowered agents, delivering elite-level customer service, and why leadership is key in this market. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Understanding Client Concerns & Questions Post NAR Lawsuit

    • Anticipate common objections from sellers and questions from buyers.
    • Role play
    • The process isn't as complicated as it seems, you just need to have to tools and skills to convey your value. 
  • Know the Market

    • Last year was the lowest level of FSBOs in history -- people want someone to help them with this transaction, the question is what are they willing to pay and how do they pay. 

    • Affordability issues remain. 
    • Stay in the loop with trusted leaders
  • Challenges for Teams and Brokerages

    • Most agents lack comprehensive buyer presentations/consultations.
    • Importance of clearly articulating the agent's value to buyers.
    • Buyers are becoming more savvy, focusing beyond just finding properties.
  • Role of Technology in Real Estate

    • Technology won't replace human interaction but will enhance it.
    • Tech-empowered agents who effectively utilize services and technology will succeed.
    • Leverage technology like Presenta next-gen CMA & presentation builder that has both seller and buyer presentation templates to help you win the representation and wow your clients. 

“You can't have a piece mailed systems in in this near future. You have to have something that is is cohesively working because agents are out just trying to work with their clients. They don't want to work with seven different passwords. They don't wanna learn seven different systems. They want things to function.”

  • Good Presentations and Conveying Value is Essential

    • Necessity of having strong buyer and listing presentations.
    • Understanding and articulating the value of services to clients.
    • Creating different levels of service to match client expectations.

“People are willing to pay a premium for service and value. You just have to articulate it.” 

  • Leadership and Standard Setting

    • Brokers must lead from the top, setting clear policies and expectations.
    • Importance of having a minimum commission rate policy and clarity on operational models (virtual, hybrid, etc.).
    • Leaders should take initiative without fear of criticism.
    • Most agents are dying for leadership. This is an opportunity for leaders 

  • Market Outlook and Opportunities

    • The market will present more opportunities with less competition as agents who are less committed or less skilled will exit. 
    • AI isn't going anywhere. It will not replace agents and it can't replace the human interaction but it will automate a lot of agent tasks. 
  • Integrated Platforms and Agent-Centric Transactions

    • Agents should be central to the transaction process and beyond.
    • There is a clear need for a fully integrated platform, avoiding piecemealed systems.
    • Everything from process to technology should be aligned and cohesive.
  • Evaluating Technology and Competition

    • Regular assessment of the tech stack and its value to buyers and sellers.
    • Ensuring agents are trained and can articulate the value of the tools they use.
    • Studying competitors to understand and improve value propositions.

"Everything has to align from process, to technology and output. I would go down my entire tech stack. What's being used? What isn't? What is its value? What is every single thing that I have? Does it provide value to a buyer and to a seller? Are my agents incorporating that in their presentations? If not, why not? Are they trained on it?"

  • Continuous Improvement

    • Seeking feedback from buyers and sellers to refine the agent's approach and services.