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How to Double Your Listings in 120 Days

You’ve seen the headlines proclaiming record low inventory across the country. You’ve felt the pinch as new listings in your market evaporate, even as you are swamped with new buyers.

So– what can you do to satisfy ready buyers when it seems that there simply aren’t enough sellers to go around? How can you capitalize on the market we’re in to not only stay afloat but actually double your listings?
This webinar covers it all and more, with Verl Workman (Workman Success Systems). 


You’ll learn: 

  • What tools are agents using to generate 30+ listings a month
  • How to control the outcome of your income with listings.
  • Why focusing on listings helps you focus on your life
  • How to take control of the market
  • Optimizing your listing presentations
  • Plus; Open Houses on Steroids