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Spark Curiosity and Unlock Business Opportunities with Your Content in 2024

Content creators are everywhere, and even as a real estate agent, it’s crucial you join them. “Content” might sound like something limited to influencers or marketers, but it doesn’t need to be out of reach. After all, at its core, content is something we can all create. In the world of real estate, content creation is key to getting online consumers curious about your brand, what you have to offer, and in turn, unlock some powerful potential and new business opportunities. Here’s how you can maximize your content.

What Should Your Content Creation Look Like?

First and foremost, it’s crucial in this era jam-packed with everyone creating content  to approach your content creation strategy as a path to forging connections with people. You don’t want to just zero in on the follower count or get hung up on the social media metrics or lead gen KPIs alone. You need to start with creating content that leads to authentic, meaningful connections. So, what should your content look like?


In its simplest terms, your content needs to be engaging, it should spark curiosity, it must offer value to your audience, and it needs to encourage meaningful conversations. Your content needs to attract, nurture, and convert your ideal target audience. Don’t just focus on pitching your services as an agent. Instead, create content that is valuable, educational, and motivates your audience to take action. 


Sure, this might sound simple spelled out — but how do you actually do it?

Use Conversation Starters to Create Authentic Content and Spark Curiosity

The content you create and share should operate a lot like starting a conversation with someone else. Think of your audience: how well do you really know them? Looking through this lens will unlock conversation-starting content that you can easily create. This content doesn’t have to be complex, either; it can be as simple as a static Facebook text post or an Instagram story asking conversation-starting questions like:

  • What’s your favorite part of living in [your city]?
  • How long have you lived in [your city]?
  • Where did you live before you lived in [your city]?


These questions are so simple, but will start conversations in the comments section, allowing you to build connections and get deeper insights into who really makes up your audience.

Get More Conversation Starters with a Simple Google Search

When was the last time you typed your town or city’s name into Google? Try it, then see what starts to pop up in the search bar. The results that appear are a goldmine of even more conversation starters you can create content around. Remember, whether you get ultra fancy with Canva templates or keep it simple with text posts or stories, the goal is to engage your audience, spark their curiosity, and demonstrate your value and connectedness.


Next, try Googling “real estate [your city, state]”. What questions are coming up regarding real estate in your town, and what kind of content can you create to address these questions? Creating content to share your perspective, backed by your expertise, on these questions will continue to reinforce your brand, build trust, and most importantly, start discussions with your audience. The more relatable your content is, and the more your audience feels confident they can engage with you through your content, the more likely you are to unlock more business opportunities with ease.

Focus on Putting the “Social” Back into “Social Media”

The overarching theme of using these conversation starters aims to fuel authentic, engaging content. In turn, your content puts a focus back onto being social via social media. You don’t want to just lead with your bio and a sales pitch; instead, you want to lead with valuable, insightful content that sparks curiosity within your audience and inspires them to reach out to you. The next time you’re at a listing, walking through the neighborhood, or have an idea pop into your head — pull out your smartphone and start talking about it. Then, share it and share consistently.


You also need to prioritize the “social” in “social media” by engaging with your responses. Don’t just post and ghost — replying in the comments and direct messages also helps feed social media algorithms, allowing you to easily expand your audience. The more users engage with your content, and the more the algorithm sees you engaging back, the more likely it is to show your content to a wider audience. By widening your net through social media, you can inspire curiosity within online consumers, make them want to follow you and your content, and easily tap into new business.


To Take an Even Deeper Dive on How You Can Spark Curiosity, Grow Your Business Opportunities, and Get More Real-Life Real Estate Content Ideas,

You Need to Watch this Session from Unite 2024!