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Is it Time to Up Your Listing Presentation Game?

Securing more listings is a must for any agent. One of the first steps on the path to getting those listings is connecting with seller clients and walking them through your listing presentation. While you may have your listing presentation approach dialed in, there’s more you can do.

No, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel — technology is here to help streamline the process. In turn, you can get more hours back, meet more seller clients, and win more listings easily.

The Art of the Listing Presentation

Your listing presentation is so much more than simply scrolling through a slide deck to an audience of potential seller clients. Really, it’s a culmination of your expertise, market intel, and positioning of precisely why you’re the perfect agent to sell the prospective client’s home. It’s where you can show off your unparalleled insights, previous wins, knowledge of the neighborhood, and effectively pitch potential seller clients on the ways you’ll sell their home, and sell it well.

When you have your listing presentation down pat, you’ll win over seller clients, and in turn, win more listings. This is all well and good, and you might have your talk track, presentation deck, and information sources dialed in. But is it time to up your listing presentation game?

Taking Your Approach to Your Listing Presentation Up a Notch

If you’re eager to take your listing presentation game to the next level, you can spruce up the content, freshen up brand colors, and try a different guiding script. Or, you can tap into the power of CORE Present, available within kvCORE. The kvCORE platform is the #1 rated real estate platform that centralizes everything an agent could possibly need in one place. Which is why it makes perfect sense for agents on the platform to access elevated listing presentations to wow seller clients every time you meet.

CORE Present is a top-tier, innovative CMA and presentation builder. But you don’t just have to take our word for it — the tool is jam-packed with powerful, easy to use features so you can blow your seller clients away and win more listings with ease.

Here are the top 3 components of the tool designed to help you up your listing presentation game.

Talk Pricing Effectively and Easily

With the tool, you can create interactive and compelling pricing discussions so you can guide your clients through the conversation. CORE Present combines more than 20 pricing perspectives in one singular view, allowing you to zero in on key trends. It can also create your CMA in under a minute, saving you plenty of time so you can get back to doing more of what you love.

Visual Consistency

Curious about the visuals? CORE Present has you covered. Within the tool, you can build customized presentations perfectly fitted to your brand guidelines. CORE Present’s flexible customization lets you lock in brand color schemes, add your logos, change up images, and more. Better yet, your brokerage and individual agents can upload or create custom content using these brand guidelines set in the tool, so the branding of your listing presentation is consistent no matter where it’s seen.

For even more targeted presentations for your consumers, CORE Present offers various aesthetics that match up with the characteristics about your prospective clients. Using visuals that speak to your client’s interests and needs makes your narrative stronger and more consistent. No one-size-fits-all approach needed.

Activity Tracking from Consumers

For even deeper intel, CORE Present also provides you with real-time activity tracking to ensure you win the deal. See exactly what seller consumers are viewing so you can know exactly how to follow up and address their specific needs — before they can even tell them to you.

Are You Ready to Up Your Listing Presentation Game?

Let’s face it: listing presentations are a key tool in your seller client arsenal. But tailoring each and every one while also ensuring your brand stands out can take time, revisions, and pull you away from the time you can spend building meaningful connections. 

Take the stress — and cookie cutter approach — out of your listing presentations and let CORE Present, available within kvCORE, handle the heavy lifting. With impactful data, real-time consumer activity tracking, and visual consistency with your brand and consumer’s needs, you can easily create next-level listing presentations. Let CORE Present be the reason sellers get the information they need to choose you as their trusted real estate professional. In turn, you’ll win them over easily, land more listings, and wow your clients every time.

To Schedule a Demo, Click Here to Dive into CORE Present, Available Within kvCORE